Fighting LGBTQ Propaganda w/ Missionary Mario Rojas

1 year ago

What are pro-life missionaries doing in Latin America? What’s their biggest challenge? And does a pregnancy care center in Spain help save babies in South America?

These are just some of the topics discussed on this episode by Mario Rojas, HLI’s Regional Director for Latin America. On this episode, he shares stories from his mission field, encourages Catholics to defend innocent human life, and talks about the challenges confronting pro-lifers in Central and South America.

FREE e-book! Get your copy of "Why We Don't Need Abortion (even for the hard cases)" here:

00:00 Intro
00:43 How did you get involved with HLI?
03:09 Where was Jesus baptized in the Jordan River?
04:36 Change of heart at Medjugorje
05:19 A true Catholic must....
06:21 Becoming an HLI affiliate
07:52 Which countries are you in charge of?
08:55 How HLI Spain saves babies in Latin America
10:27 Situations of life and death
11:43 "I can take you to my boss"
14:00 LGBTQ misinformation and other challenges
17:14 When does life begin?
20:10 Favorite part of pro-life mission work?
22:01 What do you want for your kids?
23:03 Relationships and torn baggage

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