Why are Black Americans leaving northern and western cities for the south?

1 year ago

Why are Black Americans leaving northern and western cities for the south?
Many African Americans are leaving cities in the north to go to suburbs and metro areas in the south. The shift is especially pronounced among young, college educated Blacks. The primarily motivation to migrate south is driven by rising housing costs and concerns about crime.
This demographic shift has been happening for decades.
Major cities that have been especially impacted include Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Oakland.
Philadelphia and Baltimore experienced steep declines in black residents in the last census.
An influx of black voters are turning formerly republican dominated areas democrat.
During the Great Migration that began in the early 1900s, millions of Black Americans left the South in search of economic opportunities in industrial northern cities.
When people leave the inner cities, neighborhoods and businesses are hard hit.
Blacks have not suburbanized at the same rates as the broader population. 44% of blacks live in metro suburbs versus 33% two decades ago. During that same period, blacks living in central cities decline from 57% to 54%.
Works Cited:
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