John Dennehy - Education is the foundation of everything else. Mi Primer Bitcoin / My First Bitcoin

1 year ago

John Dennehy sits down with Mike Peterson to tell the history of My First Bitcoin. They discuss why education is the key element for the future of the world and why El Salvador is leading the way in creating a real time circular economy happening right now. If you want to change the world you have to start with yourself.

Would you like to earn a bitcoin diploma? John Dennehy offers a 10 week course and it's now open source.

My First Bitcoin / Mi Primer Bitcoin offers educational programs to students of all ages.
It's grown from 400 students to over 10,000 students in just one year!

Also ... you've heard of Bitcoin Beach ...
... and you've heard of Bitcoin Jungle ...
... Bitcoin Lake ...
... Bitcoin Praia ...
... Bitcoin Ekasi ...

...introducing Bitcoin Island.
John Dennehy shares the story of how a small island in El Salvador gets a new nick name.

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