Doubling Down - South Africa Crime Rate

1 year ago

Bud Light doubles down sponsoring ‘all ages’ drag queen Pride party

Bud Light is sponsoring an all-ages Pride event and after-party featuring drag queens in Flagstaff, Arizona, according to advertisements.

The June 17 after-party features several famous drag queens and will take place after Flagstaff’s 27th annual Pride in the Pines, and both events list Bud Light as a sponsor. The after-party is open to “all ages,” and participants under 16 years old require a guardian to attend, according to an online flyer.

The after-party will feature nine drag queens including host Mya McKenzie, former Miss Phoenix Pride and Miss Gay Arizona America. One performer, Kim Etiquette, performs as a”stupid housewife” character, according to his Instagram.

South Africa’s crime stats reveal a troubling trend in rising violence

Crime stats Q4 2022/2023

Violent crimes increased by 4% for the period between January and March this year, when compared to January – March 2022.
Murder and assault

A total of 6 289 murders were reported during those months, which is an increase of 3.4%.

Attempted murders also increased by 8.4%, with 6 192 reported to police during the fourth quarter of 2022/2023.

Meanwhile, assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm (GBH) increased by 0.7% (43 090 reported cases).

Skyrocketing murder rates in South Africa, with many children as victims

Every so often South Africa experiences a tragedy so horrific that the country wonders again how it became so violent. The last was more than five months ago, when 4-year-old Bokgabo Poo disappeared from a playground.

Her mother Tsholofelo Poo tells the story from the sofa in her living room in the Wattville township near Johannesburg. How her daughter was playing with a friend in the playground around the corner and how a man gave the boy money to buy a candy and stayed behind with her daughter, who then disappeared.

South African Farm Attacks: 77 in the first 90 days of 2023

A farm murder report in South Africa shows that for the first quarter of 2023 (Jan to March) there were at least 77 farm attacks, nine of which were murders. The AfriForum report was made public today and focuses on verified farm attacks for the first quarter of 2023.

How communist China’s war against sparrows killed 55 million people

Historically, communist regimes have been ruthless, deadly and above all, paranoid. They tend to give little thought to unintended consequences, even though time and again, those consequences have big effects.

It’s just one more devastating fault that acting without factual information can have on a country, its people, and its history. For the biggest example of a campaign of general ignorance, look no further than the Chinese Communist Party’s “Four Pests” Campaign.

Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything

In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they ‘debunked’ the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s biological father.

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