Mainstream media have been taking tens of millions of dollars from the CCP to run its propaganda

1 year ago

06/20/2023 Nicole on Jamie Allman Show: George Higginbotham, Elliott Broidy and Steve Wynn all took huge amounts of money from the CCP to help extradite Mr. Miles Guo but they have not spent a day in prison. The injustice suffered by Mr. Guo is not widely known by the American people because his story has been buried, censored and twisted by the mainstream media which have been taking tens of millions of dollars from the CCP to run its propaganda.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

06/20/2023 妮可参加《杰米·奥尔曼秀》:乔治·海根巴瑟姆、埃利奥特·布罗伊迪和史蒂夫·永利都从中共那里获得巨额资金以帮助遣返郭文贵先生,但他们都没在监狱里呆过一天。郭先生所遭受的不公并不为美国民众所了解,因为他的遭遇被主流媒体所掩盖、审查和歪曲。主流媒体从中共那里拿走了数千万美元以配合中共的大外宣。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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