We have to pay close attention to what the government will do towards the CCP

1 year ago

06/21/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: The CCP threatens America to make a choice between cooperation and confrontation, and they ask the Biden administration to change American people’s negative perception of the CCP. We have to pay close attention to what the government will do towards the CCP and what they will do to change the American people’s attitude towards the CCP.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/21/2023 妮可上Winn Tucson China Watch节目:中共威胁美国在合作和对抗间做出选择,他们还要求拜登政府改变美国人民对中共的负面看法。我们需要密切关注接下来这届政府的对华政策,以及他们会做什么以改变美国人民对中共的态度。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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