The Blue Ray Man: The Feminine Essence Made Masculine

11 months ago

What I have garnered through learning about the Blue Ray energy is that the Blue Ray man is truly an entity unto himself. This is a very specific and special brand of the Blue Ray energy that I feel warrants its own guide. So, without further adieu, I would like to share my experience with this energy and elaborate on just how integral it is to the healing of the Sophianic Body of this planet.

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Disclaimer: This information is not in any way intended to compare the male and female Blue Ray experiences, or claim one as better than the other. It is meant to be used as a model to represent the importance of the masculine presence in the reclaiming of Sophianic consciousness here on Earth.


The Blue Ray is the first primal sound field of creation and is connected to the Emerald Order aqua blue ray of the Holy Mother. Beings of the Emerald Order have returned to this planet to help in aiding the restoration of the Solar Feminine principles upon the Earth and to rescue all fragmented souls lost within the Phantom Matrix timelines.


Firstly, you may be asking the question, why would a feminine essence choose to incarnate into a male body? It is because on a soul level it understands the impact that it will have in the restoration of the female energy on Earth. Of course the human self will argue otherwise, but your soul is able to see beyond the limitations of the experience you came into. Blue Rays feel the call of Mother Earth much more intensely than other soul groups, because their energy is tied in with it from an experiential level. And this call is ultimately why they are here.


A female essence incarnating into a massively masculine-polarized planet and embodying the male form means that though they will retain their connection to their receptive and sensitive nature, they will ultimately be subjected to massive amounts of ridicule due to the social norms currently present on the Earth. Through their experience, they are conditioned to believe that the way they are is wrong, and they begin to create false personas and coping mechanisms in order to deal with the incredible amount of inner turmoil they are feeling.


All of this hearkens back to the age-old adage of "Boys don't cry." It is so ingrained into our earthly structures that it is women who are intended to be emotional, not men. And that if they are, there is something wrong with them and it needs to be corrected. This could not be further from the truth. This is stemming from the majority of humanity being out of touch with the Law of Gender, which states that all consciousness energy contains both masculine and feminine attributes. This is gender splitting at its absolute worst, but it plays an integral part in the reclaiming of the feminine energy.


The Blue Ray soul has suffered greatly from the crucifixion implants placed on the left axiatonal line, in my opinion, more than most. Of course, their main task is to heal the feminine attributes of source energy, but this also means healing it from within themselves. The Blue Ray man who is running the False King program and has not undergone crucifixion implant healing will be severely disconnected from his own feminine principle. In a sense, his experiences are drawing him to reconnect with the lost part of himself, or his core feminine soul essence. Ultimately, the end goal is for him to embrace his core expression as a feminine soul essence in order to feel safe to express his true soul energy within the matter realms.


It is incredibly easy for a woman carrying a feminine essence to incarnate into this realm, because she will fall into the pre-programmed norm structure. She will be seen as the typical stereotypical female. But on the part of the man carrying the Blue Ray, this is a very difficult life path. Taking on the female energy as a man is a sign of immense soul strength.


Among the number of programs which manifest within the life of the Blue Ray man, the most prevalent are that of Victim-Victimizer and the False King of Tyranny. Blue Rays manifest the Victim program to learn about the importance of not giving away personal power. It is through this process that they ultimately are able to integrate with their masculine energy and release their addiction to their own suffering. The False King of Tyranny is a program which is created from within himself and is utilized as a coping mechanism in order to protect his sensitive nature. The False King is a dominating male archetype which is the energy of the false masculine - in short, this is a persona of bravado which causes him to act out in very typically macho ways in order to protect his pure heart energy.


The Blue Ray man is carrying the weight of the wounded feminine. Some aspects of this may include the energies of narcissism, codependency, savior complex, redemption complex, addiction, persecution complex, abandonment and isolation. As a Blue Ray soul, it is part of your soul mission to transmute the negative feminine attributes of Source, and this also includes the ancestral energies within the ley lines that may contain the frequencies of these attributes. This at times can feel incredibly alienating, because you are being tasked with healing some of the darkest aspects of the human experience all on your own. It can literally feel like the weight of the world. Many of these souls suffer in silence because of the specialized nature of their earthly mission, especially the males, because the male brain is essentially wired to think rationally.


The Blue Ray energy is some of the purest I have come across. In regards to the male experience, they are carrying cellular memory of being in service to their Holy Mother. They have a deep reverence for the feminine energy in a way that is indescribable in human terms. Any offense towards the feminine in this realm is felt deeply within the core of their being. For them, it feels as though someone is showing blatant disregard for the feminine principle, and ultimately, the Divine Mother herself.


These are men that will always stand up for the female energy, as they are here to help bolster it. They in themselves are like Krystallah Sound Pillars, intended to hold the sound codes in place for the physical realm. This is helping to shift the energies in the feminine ley lines of the planet. They have had many lifetimes embodied in the female form, many of which are connected to Ancient Egypt and the Cathar-Essene timelines. I cannot understate the importance of the female energy here - they hold a respect for the feminine which is beyond words, and it is truly beautiful to witness.


The Blue Ray frequency is experienced through the vein of the Super Galactic Center consciousness. This means their main bulk of lessons is coming through their relationships. The Blue Ray soul is carrying a strong connection to the unconditional love that they came from, and they do whatever possible to try to manifest this level of love in their earthly life, projecting this need onto their external environment. The Blue Ray man will often attract women into his life who are toxic. Because his energy is so open and he has not cultivated the love from within yet, he draws to him the frequency of manipulative/narcissistic/deceitful women who may be looking to leech off of him energetically. It is paramount for all blue ray souls to cultivate love from within, not just the men, so that they draw in healthy relationships and stop attracting those who are looking to abuse their pure heart.


Having witnessed it in my own life, I feel very strongly about this particular subject matter. For too long the female energy has been demonized on this planet, especially within the male form. The core of their suffering is the ingrained belief that it is not safe to be who I am, because who I am is wrong. This has twisted their pure heart into the likes of lunar reversals, manifesting traumas of all kinds and really messing with the energies in their core manifestation body. The Blue Ray man is an incredibly brave and beautiful soul that this planet desperately needs more of. For a man holding a feminine essence, choosing to embody the essence of the Solar Feminine Christ, saying this ends here is incredibly powerful. Ultimately, this is the impact they will have, and they should be honored for their bravery and service.

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