Chinese Whistleblowers Are Suppressed By Twitter

1 year ago

06/20/2023 Nicole on Jamie Allman Show: Miles Guo was charged for a $1 billion fraud on an investment opportunity called the GTV. I'm one of the investors. We wanted to put our funding to support an independent media platform where we can have our voice not be censored by America's BigTech. Twitter has been suppressing the Chinese whistleblowers because we have been exposing the high level government corruption or abuse caused by the CCP.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/20/2023 妮可参加《杰米·奥尔曼秀》:郭文贵先生被指控通过一个名为GTV的投资项目欺诈10亿美元。我也是投资者之一,我们投资的初衷是为了支持一个独立的媒体平台,使我们的发声可以不受美国大科技公司的审查。推特一直在打压中共国的爆料人,因为我们一直在揭露中共渗透所导致的美国政府高层腐败或滥用职权问题。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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