I Am A Woman With Strength and Dignity

1 year ago

As we approach the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision, we are reminded of the strength and dignity of women.
Women are not weak creatures that need to be fixed by poison pills and surgeries to rid us of our OWN children. Babies are NOT obstacles to success. In fact, motherhood and fatherhood is success in and of itself.

We reject surgery on healthy pregnant women by the abortion industry as if our babies are the enemy. No, abortion is the enemy. Abortion is a lack of hope and help.

Instead, we celebrate womanhood, and support mothers with our new short video in hopes that women and men won't mourn unnecessary losses; that those trapped in the abortion industry are freed with new understanding; and that those who mourn will find help and healing.

Please share this short video, "I Am A Woman with Strength and Dignity," with your family and friends.

#prolife #prowoman #prolifefeminism #prolifefeminist #womendeservebetter

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