When America is not advocating for people to be free, it's a turning point for this country

1 year ago

06/21/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: The Secretary of State Blinken stated “ the US is not going to support the independence of Taiwan”, after meeting Emperor Xi Jinping. What does the “US'' mean? Does it represent himself, or the Biden administration, or the 118 Congress, or the American people? When America is not advocating for people to be free, it's a turning point for this country, and what it stands for.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

06/21/2023 妮可上Winn Tucson China Watch节目:国务卿布林肯结束与习近平的会晤后,在新闻发布会上表示美国不支持台湾独立。这个“美国”代表什么?是代表布林肯本人,拜登政府,118届国会,还是美国人民?当美国不为人民争取自由时,这是美国及其价值观的转折点。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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