League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Lillia (2)

1 year ago

Zed, Teemo, Lillia, Seraphine, and Lucian

Chogath, Milio, Rell, Xayah, and Kayle

0:00 Start
0:45 First Blood Fight
Kayle flashed in for the kill but instead got himself killed.

3:40 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
Fastest tower take I think.

7:05 T2 Tower Destroyed - Red
Still haven't died yet at this point XD.

7:41 Red Inhib Destroyed

8:00 First Death
Finally died with 0 and 15. Had 4100 + gold

11:30 Nexus Tower Destroyed
Hit a bit of lull where they were able to defend themselves at Nexus.

12:47 Nexus Tower Destroyed
12:57 Killing them under fountain
We played around for a bit until the Nexus went down by minions.

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