Donald Trump Honors Lucifer

1 year ago

Trump-Light of Lucifer carry 6/19/2004.
696 months carried in 6th month.

6192004/216= 6666

Illuminati-Torch Carry 6/19/200.
Separation of 999. 1776. 9/11 9/11

6192004/777= 9/11. 17171. Trump carrying Lucifer's Light on
171st day of year.

First 911 Call- Torch Carry 6/19/2004.
Separation of 9/11. 120. Illuminati.
Church of Satan found on 120th day of year.

9/11- Torch Carry 6/19/2004. Separation of 9/11.

Jesuits 8/15/1534- Torch Carry 6/19/2004.
171 in days. Light of Lucifer carry was on 171st day of year.

Skull and Bones-Torch Carry 6/19/2004.
171 years. Light of Lucifer carry was on 171st day of year.

Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872-Torch Carry 6/19/2004.
Separation of 171 in seconds. Light of Lucifer carry was on 171st day of year. 696 in hours. Trump 696 months old.

Torch Carry 6/19/2004-Trump takes office 1/20/2017.
151 months. Light of Lucifer= 151. 45 in days.
Trump 45th president. 12 years 1 day between. Antichrist= 121.

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