Trump says "God is the Enemy"

1 year ago

God= 26 Trump-4/2/2020. 26 in days.

God= 17. Trump= 17.
God= 42. John= 42
God= 15. Donald John Trump 15 letters.

Red Flags
Christ. Trump Family carries the name Christ.
When Trump was born Mary was the Number 1 female name
Trump shows shows Scottish Rite Freemason Symbolism
Donald means Ruler of the World
Trump's Pastor is a Freemason
Trump has a Kabbalah Teacher

The enemy is gone this particular enemy is Donald John Trump 614-Trump

Donald John Trump the Antichrist.
68+2+8+5+1+3+2+9+3+8+7+9+8+2+15 letters= 150

Iesus Christ= 150

Donald J Trump the American Christ= 322-Skull and Bones
Go 25 min 48 seconds in

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