Ep. 115: Is It For All The Wrong Reasons?

1 year ago

n this episode, Alexis McQuillen co-hosts and gets us caught up on what she has been doing in the off-season. Alexis gives us an inside look into her recent revelations that she discovered about Entrepreneurship and how she determined she was doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Sometimes we think we want something in our lives: a job, a title, a fancy car; whatever it is- we have to always turn our focus inward and ask ourselves "why". What is the reason we want this thing so much. But too often, we have underlying factors that obscure that realization from our view. That is where the power of the almighty experience comes in. True knowledge is best gained through experience, and life is the greatest teacher!

When we stop forcing things so much and get into alignment with what is truly meant for us- only then do we see the subtle signs, the nudges, the chance meetings that lead us from one thing to the next, like the lines in a poem, to build a masterful life

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