Q: The Biggest Psyop in 100 Years

1 year ago

Unfortunately, it will always be easier to deceive the masses than to convince them that they've been deceived. Q, like MSM, is a cleverly crafted Psychological Operation designed to manipulate and exploit the natural tendency of normal people to hope for a better life.

In order to successfully take advantage of the natural hope that people feel, an operation needs to take place. Not a PHYSICAL operation but a PSYCHOLOGICAL one. An operation on the mind. With mental surgical precision, psychological operators use their most effective tool. The razor-sharp scalpel of propaganda.

Q made Trump supporters who were right to be angry over the criminal nature of our ruling class delude themselves with fantasies that “White hats” in the military were going to save us. Q and Trump are nothing but controlled opposition.

Why is Trump so pro-Israel? They were responsible for 9/11 and they are committing genocide in the Middle East. If Trump is serious about making life better for Americans, he MUST take a stand against Israel. They are 0.2% of the world's population, yet they control the entire planet.

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