Parents Protested Dr. Fauci’s Misinformation about MMR Vaccines in 2019

1 year ago

Jun 21, 2023

Are you just finding out about the health freedom movement since COVID? Did you know that people and parents have been in this battle for years already? Faithful Freedom host Teryn Gregson, has also been blown away since she entered the movement in late 2021. She welcomes We The Patriots USA friend, Alexandra Ponsica, mother of four, to detail the fight that began for her almost a decade ago when her twin boys were diagnosed with autism. Her fight intensified years later when she had two healthy unvaccinated babies, culminating in Washington, D.C., in 2019 for an Anthony Fauci protest. Hear how she helped win back exemptions in New Jersey and is now opening the doors of her own Spell-to-Communicate resource center, after one heartbreaking day in an ambulance with her son.

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