Article Video - Urgent Warning to All Assemblies - Thursday, June 15, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Urgent Warning to All Assemblies - Thursday, June 15, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, I know summer is a busy time for all of us, and yes, it may SEEM like the battle is passing you by and that all the action is happening at the international level—- but that isn’t really the case.

It all actually depends on you, and in various ways, some of our assemblies have been under assault.

First, I want to remind you what happens if you slack off your efforts to build proper functioning assemblies for yourselves:

(1) Your State becomes abandoned property and any neighboring State can claim it and place it under their administration. Vermont could become part of New Hampshire, for example. Maine could be “annexed” by Canada. (2) You and your property assets lose indemnity and can be “seized upon” by foreign creditors to pay debts owed by the Federal Subcontractors, (3) You could also be attacked by mercenary forces trying to establish claims against your property. Such things have happened in other places and could happen here, too.

And all because you got confused or got lazy, lost faith, or whatever else, and failed the test of self-governance?

I am an old lady. It isn’t going to matter what you gain or lose once I’m gone, but it’s going to matter to your children and grandchildren whether they live as free people or slaves. And it is all up to you. I can’t do this for you. All I can do is keep the door open for you to do it for yourselves.

There are enough forces that would like this effort to fail without us dropping any balls, so be watchful and engaged.

I must also point out that without your continued and faithful efforts, all the money that you and your friends and neighbors are owed will pass into other, foreign, hands.
You and your State won’t be eligible to recoup a dime if there is no lawful State Assembly.

Do you really want everyone in your State including yourself to be relatively impoverished because you dropped the torch?

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