Second Trip of President Woodrow Wilson Abroad And His Arrival at Paris, March 13, 1919

1 year ago

Telegraph cables are installed in Wilson's Paris hdqrs. He and Adm. Grayson play shuffleboard on the liner George Washington. Pres. Poincare, For. Min. Pichon, Robert Lansing, Amb. Sharp, and Fr. Gen. Berdoulat greet the Wilsons, Col. House, Gens. Liggett and Bliss, and Adm. Grayson at the Gare des Invalides, Paris. The Presidential party visits the cathedral at Rheims. Wilson, Adm. Grayson, and Marshal Foch lay wreathes in a cemetery at Suresnes. The Wilsons attend the races at Long-champs.

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