6-21-2023 Heartland Liberty Live Wednesday 8-9pm Central | Alex Dudzinski-AFP | Lonnie Spivak-Davidson County Republican Party

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Dan and Scott run their mouths on all sorts of topics and news. We cover topics the MSM refuses to discuss. Tonight our guests are Alex Dudzinski of Americans For Prosperity(AFP) and Lonnie Spivak, Chair of the Nashville-Davidson County TN Republican Party. Alex talks to us about how AFP goes about canvasing and door knocking to ask the community about what they want in their politicians and what programs need to be eliminated or expanded. AFP is always looking for volunteers to help spread their message and Alex shows how people can get involved.
Lonnie discusses what he sees as the future of Republicans in Nashville and Davidson County given Nashville's history of being deep blue. It's actually and interesting conversation.
In the mean time Scott discusses Gay Frogs and where to find unadulterated meat!

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