Jesus Challenges Unjust Power

11 months ago

Jesus Challenge to Unjust Power

Matthew 2:3 “When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him.”

The baby Jesus was born and lived in obscurity for his first years. Scientists and astrologers from the east, called Magi, have seen a unique star and traveled far to try to find him. They have heard, somehow, that he has been born to be king of the Jews, so in their search they go to Herod’s palace. Where else would they expect to find a king? When they present themselves to him, Herod is immediately afraid. And, when Herod was upset and afraid the whole city was upset and afraid? Was an insurrection in the works? A coup plot? Was the whole opulent, but fragile, network of power about to tumble down? To deal with his fear, Herod lied and hatched a vile plot to find out where Jesus was and ‘deal with him.’ Herod, lost in his corrupt power and feeling threatened, did what oppressors always do. He decided that the threat must be eradicated. The child must be killed. When God moves to interrupt this plot in a dream to the Magi, Herod escalates. Not only is the child Jesus to be killed, all male children under the age of two in and around Bethlehem must be killed too. Scared power is scary indeed. Oppression becomes a way of life. In the eyes of the oppressor it is a necessary and even laudatory tool. It is interesting that it is the birth of God’s Love in Jesus that terrifies Herod. Love always scares the unjust. They will lash out, with billy clubs. They will lash out with legislation to tighten their grip on power. They will lash out with violence that starts small and escalates. Like the wicked witch of the west in the Wizard of Oz, God’s undaunted Love in Jesus Christ, is the water they fear will dissolve them. They will do anything to stop that from happening. They will lie, blame, intimidate and ridicule anyone or anything that scares them. The sad truth is that sometimes, in our own small lives we know how to do that as well. When a family member challenges our behavior we know how to lash out, work the phones and build an ‘army’ against them. When a boss feels threatened by our ideas, we know how to get into a battle for control. If new ideas threaten us, we know how to run, ban, burn and vilify even before we know what it is all about. When we act on those kinds of fears, we are not saving ourselves, we are destroying ourselves. Today see if you can think of an example in your life, community or church where something new has felt threatening to you? How did you respond? Was anyone else caught in the crossfire? As you think about these things, ask Jesus to help you understand your motives and to give you new ways of dealing with old fears.

Prayer: Dear God, your love is so powerful. It is change itself. Help me today to see the ways I resist what you are doing in my life and in the world. Help me to see the things I cling to that I should release. Help me to welcome you in whatever way you come, even if it means I must change. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen

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