1 year ago

These were unfuckingreal; not authentic or traditional but tasty as hell and that’s what matters😇

That’s what I love about cooking, you can add whatever flavour or technique you want, as long as you’re enjoying both process and results✨

Anywaysss, I seared the cubed beef with salt and pepper to get some caramelization and used the rendered fat to make my base with onion, garlic and tomato purée.

Deglazed with some apple cider vinegar and beef stock, added a can of chipotle in adobo and some ground toasted cumin, oregano, ground coriander and thyme.

Immerse blended, added a can of diced tomatoes, put the beef back in the sauce and topped with chopped cilantro.

About 3 hours on med-low heat and the meat was deliciously tender.

To assemble, dip your corn tortilla in the consommé (broth) before adding it to a hot oiled pan; definitely keep your eyes on it because it cooks fasttt.
Add some shredded cheese if you feel like it, and serve with a side of that consommé, white onion, cilantro and some fresh lime.

I also served it with some fucking tasty charred pineapple salsa, which I’m posting a video for tomorrow👌🏼✨💗

Share the love😋😋🌿👌🏼✨

Nooki x

#birria #birriatacos #pineapplesalsa #tacos #sogood #rap #personnalchef #chipotle #inkedgirls

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