A Skeptic's Review of the first 25 Days of #75Hard. Will 75 Hard Change My Life?

1 year ago

A quick check-in after my first 25 days on the 75 Hard challenge, which was developed by Andy Frisella. This is 1 of 3 check-ins I will do as I work my way through this challenge. For 75 days you have to follow these five rules (if you mess up one on any day, you must start over at day one):

1. Choose a diet and follow it, no cheats, no alcohol
2. Complete two 45-minute workouts daily, one must be outside
3. Drink a gallon of water every day
4. Read 10 pages of nonfiction book per day
5. Take progress photo each day

More info about 75 hard: https://andyfrisella.com/pages/75hard-info

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