Does the Deep State FBI Have Major Problems?

1 year ago

Special Counsel John Durham has spoken on his findings on Crossfire Hurricane – the FBI investigation into President Donald Trump and alleged Russian collusion – and he called them “sobering.”
The Deep State FBI has major problems that have to be exposed and fixed now.
As reported by Newsmax:
“Special Counsel John Durham, testifying before members of the House Judiciary Committee, described his findings in a report concerning the origins of the FBI’s investigation into claims of Russian collusion in former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, called his findings ‘sobering.’
‘Many of the most significant issues documented in the report that we have written, including those relating to a lack of investigative discipline, failure to take logistical, logical investigative steps, and bias are relevant to important national security interests that this committee and the American people are concerned about,’ said Durham in his opening remarks.
Such issues, left unaddressed, ‘could result in significant national security risks and further erode the public’s faith and confidence in our justice system,’ said Durham. ’As we said in the report, our findings were sobering, and I tell you, having spent 40 years-plus as a federal prosecutor, they were particularly sobering to me and a number of my colleagues who present decades in the FBI themselves.’”
Durham also stated that the FBI “displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor.”
We focus on that line because it really strikes at the heart of the problem here. The FBI was so blind with political bias – and really, animus – that they pushed this investigation through on faulty evidence that they didn’t bother to verify. And they knew it.
This is why we say the FBI cannot be trusted to self-regulate. The agency is rife with seemingly unending corruption. When will we, as a nation, regardless of politics, say, “Enough is enough.” This is not justice, and it shows that our ship is full of holes. We’ve got major national security issues when our own FBI can’t be trusted to tell the truth, let alone follow procedure and the Constitution.
But what perhaps concerns us the most is that it’s starting to feel like the American people have been hearing about this Deep State corruption for so long that they’re almost unfazed by it. It’s starting to feel like just another day in the D.C. swamp. We cannot become numb or complacent. This is not acceptable, and it has to stop now. If the Deep State is allowed to target and harass a high-profile presidential candidate for not aligning with their political agenda without being held accountable, what do you think they’ll do?
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of Special Counsel Durham’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

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