Covid Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup Confirms Restrictions "Unconstitutional" (

1 year ago

Brad Wenstrup says Constitution should not have been “suspended.” -- Thanks Mr. Knight of Columbus? But, what do you think they do to prove "transmission" of "virus"? Me cough on you, you get "Covid". Sure! Never been done!! That goes for HIV too... "no evidence of transmission" of HIV, Anthony Fauci, 1988

The Chief Justice predicted the would use "Presidential Directives" and would be "Unconstitutional" back on December 16th 2019 at 1AM on my Rise of the Jedi Podcast. And, I predicted the mandatory vaccines, vaccine bio-weapon, masks and mind control with "fake news" (and, everything else). -- ''CHIEF JUSTICE PREDICTS 33 PARTS OF COVID HOAX 12/26/19 1AM -- RISE OF THE JEDI PODCAST EPISODE 1 -

Rise of the Jedi Podcast Facebook Page began on December 22nd 2019. Episode 1 launched on December 26th 2019 at 1AM, within hours of the pneumonia-like illness that was given the name "SARS-Cov2" on December 27th 2019 in China.

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