SimpleBiz360 Podcast - Episode #192: WHY ARE WE SERVING WILTED MINT IN MOJITOS?

1 year ago

#3bti5m #3biztips
Why do some businesses deliberately choose to do what is wrong, even when they know their decision will lead to customer dissatisfaction?

To coin an old phrase, some business actions stick out like a sore thumb. Many times, the pain suffered from these actions hurts worse than that sore thumb? So why do we do these things? Do we understand the true cost of serving up service we know is bad before we deliver it? Referrals are essential to the success of many business models. Likewise, a necessary cadence of repeat business is often the lifeblood to certain enterprises. We invite you to find five minutes to explore three, simple suggestions that can get us out of this rut! Toa all the restaurants out there…please throw away those wilted minty leaves!!!

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