ENB Podcast with Nick Deiuliis President and CEO, CNX Resources Corporation stops by and Solutions

1 year ago

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ENB #102 Nick Deiuliis, President and CEO, CNX Resources Corporation, stops by and we talk about solutions to the Energy Crisis and his Thought Leadership.
This was an absolute honor to have Nick Deiuliis, CEO of CNX (NYSE: CNX). Nick is an Industry Thought Leader who has looked at social issues and the Left's negative impact on America. As a successful CEO for a leading low-cost U.S. energy provider, his management skills are evident in the company's performance and his thought processes in articles and his podcast.

Our discussion takes several turns around the energy and natural gas market, the Appalachian basin, the energy crisis, and social discord. Having an open dialogue on all these topics is important, but even more important is having solutions.

Nick is sending me a signed copy, and I will follow up with a full article and review of his book.

Please buy his book, reach out to him, and follow him on his website and LinkedIn.

Nick, Thank you again for stopping by the ENB podcast. I had an absolute blast and look forward to talking again. - Stu

Precipice: The Left's Campaign to Destroy America
by Nicholas DeIuliis | Mar 29, 2022

Order Here On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Precipice-Nicholas-DeIuliis/dp/1645720608/ref=sr_1_1?crid=VUHTZS5VHEUL&keywords=nick+deiuliis&qid=1676054737&sprefix=Nick+Dei%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1


Nick's Website and Industry Thought Leader Articles HERE: https://nickdeiuliis.com/

Precipice review by Dustin Bass, The Epoch Times
Bass comments, “[Deiuliis] lays out so many points on economic topics, including energy issues, that it’s difficult to call his book title hyperbolic. He tackles issues propagated and championed by the Left, ranging from climate change to public unions to taxing the rich, and presents these politically charged issues as simply that: politically charged.”

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