Tom Cowan - Contagion Myth - Water

1 year ago

All we are is water. It has its own life.

He talks about what big pharma is trying to do to us.

How we get sick and get better.

Tom says: "after living rural and out of this grid for most of my life, I can tell you from personal experience, when I am in the synthetic grid, I hear static. And unfortunately, I am now also hearing static from those who live and breathe in it. People are beginning to sync with this grid, on many levels. Most, if not all, are completely unaware of what is taking place within."

What does 5G do to the water in our body?

The Agenda is to transfer life from a Water based system that evolves, grows, has emotion, feeling, sensation and consciousness to everything will be quartz in a silicone genome. The virus only lives in the computer.

This was an excerpt from a long video.
Full Video here -

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