
1 year ago

The CCP hasn’t confirmed Blinken’s visit to Beijing until a couple of days before his visit. Then several pro-CCP activities happened. The federal prosecutor dropped five charges against the FTX co-founder, SBF. We all know that he pays money to the CCP. Most importantly, on Jun 14, the US rejected Miles Guo’s bail appeal, several hours after this announcement, the CCP confirmed and announced Blinken’s visit to China. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 在布林肯访华的前几天中共并没有确认他的行程。于是,几件亲共的事情发生了。联邦检察官撤销了对FTX联合创始人SBF的五项指控。我们都知道他有付钱给中共。更为重要的是,在6月14日,美国拒绝了郭先生的保释请求,就在这个公告发出后的几个小时之后,中共确认并宣布了布林肯的访华议程。#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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