Dr. Tom Cowan exposes scientific "virus" fraud. When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”

1 year ago

Dr. Tom Cowan

This video was removed from Youtube https://youtu.be/cQcHs_WIeXQ

Vaccines are safe and effective, we all see it now, don't we?
Safe because they were not liable and effective because they made billions.

They are preparing for the next "pandemics"

COVID Retrospective Series, Vol. 4 - Anthony Fauci, America’s COVID disinformation agent
As long as we do not die from Covid, which does not exist, it is okay with them if we die in excess from anything else, including their "cure"

Natural Science - Measurable, Repeatable, and Observable.
Pseudo-Science - Missing one or more of the above.

"You have to remember that there are people in the world who will lie to your face, multiple times, knowing if you knew the truth it would absolutely devastate you, and they don't do it in order to survive, or any other reason other than that it is convenient for them, it gets them money, status, access, positions, gets them pleasure in some way, and for that short pleasure they do not mind trending off your long-term trauma, and pain" -- Richard Grannon

They're not lying when they talk about "climate change" and the danger of it...They just leave out the part that it's completely fabricated and controlled by them ...for 75 years. -- The governments.

Stop Geoengineering! They're Seeding Viruses & They're Completely Destroying The Earth's Biosphere


Aluminium, Vaccines & Detox

Probably just a few million coincidences. What? You some kind of conspiracy nutter or something?

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