Unveiling The God Threefold Mission For Men

1 year ago

Jerry Jacobs Jr. is an author and the founder of Catholic Alpha explains that God has entrusted men, with a sacred mission which is threefold: 🙌

Firstly, protect and provide for your family against outside threats.

Secondly, be the shield that safeguards your beloved wife👩

Lastly, defend your home from the influence of Satan and the demonic. But remember, serving is key. Put God first 🙏🛐, your wife and marriage second 💑, your kids third 🧒👧, and yourself last.

Unfortunately, many men prioritize their own pleasure, desires, and needs above God, their wives 👩, marriages, and children 👧👦.

Want to Explore more click the link https://bit.ly/3PiAPsQ to listen the Complete Episode.

Let's change that and put family first! 💪👨👩

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