Real Estate Tips - 10 Tips For Filling Your Home-Buying Piggy Bank!

1 year ago

If you're looking to buy a home a home, there's some important steps you can take to fill your "Home-Buying Piggy Bank"

From the moment you started thinking about buying a house, you knew you’d need to start saving. Maybe you have a 401(k) that you can use for your down payment, but you still have to cover your closing costs and have a little extra put away in case something goes sideways on you. Unexpected home repairs are terrifying when there’s nothing in the bank and no home equity to draw from yet.

But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. It’s actually easier than ever to save up for a closing day that’s a bit down the road.

Saving Doesn’t Have to Mean Sacrifice

A lot of people will tell you that the only way to save money is to deprive yourself of basically everything that’s fun. They say this about weight loss, too, but that never works out. I know cuz, I’m still carrying some holiday weight…from several holidays.. Trust me on this, you’re going to have a much easier time saving money if you don’t really notice it or if you can trick yourself into saving more than you are already. Here are 10 strategies you can use alone or together to turn your savings trickle into a savings typhoon:

1. Budgeting 101:

2. Take Advantage of Auto-Saving Features on Your Accounts

3. Ask Yourself If You’re Using All Those Subscriptions

4. Download Apps for the Stores You Frequent

5. Don’t Make That Big Purchase

6. Consider Refinancing

7. As You Pay Things Off, Start Paying Yourself

8. What Do You Spend Maintaining Your Stuff?

9. Ask For Help From Family

10. Take advantage of Down Payment Assistance

Come to Your Loan Application Prepared, With a Stuffed Piggy Bank

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