1 year ago


Ike Skelton, Commissioner of Camden County, MO.

Discussed the MO 2nd Amendment Preservation Act – This state law protects all individuals 2nd Amendment Rights and does not recognize the ATF as a valid federal authority.

The Unconstitutionality of the ATF, by design, infringes on individuals' rights and the 2nd Amendment.

The Commissioner advocates for restoring states’ rights and empowering local government by reducing the controls imposed by various federal agencies and their respective footprints that assumes excessive power over the people.

Discussed immigration as a federal duty. Some liberal states are seeking to impose sanctuary status for illegals in various city, county and state locations.

Further, several federal agencies exceed their authority and are not authorized by the Constitution, therefore they should cease to exist, including the Department of Education, the EPA, Energy Regulatory Commission, just to name a few.

Public School systems should be run locally with local control. Budget handcuffs shackle jurisdictions delegating excessive authority for oversight by the federal government, wielding unconstitutional power and control over citizens, enterprise and local/state government.

“Don’t be afraid to stand up regardless of what they may do.”

-- Ike Skelton, Commissioner of Camden County, MO

--Dawn Keefer PA Representative, 92nd District, Member of the Health Oversight Committee

Discussed Vertical integration of Pennsylvania healthcare system lending itself to conflicts of interest.

Discussed the over reach of the education system and the issues surrounding Gender Dysphoria as collapsed into CRT

--Amy Rafferty, Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent (PCIC) began in 2015. The organization stands up for the important rights of every individual to personal full, informed consent.

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