Federal Charges Filed Against Hunter Biden on Tax Counts, Gun Violation to Pacify American People

1 year ago

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Only minutes after this news broke there has been an update to the story. ⬇️

UPDATE: The "Department of Justice" has struck a plea deal with Hunter Biden so that the President In Name Only's son avoids prison time. https://beckernews.com/breaking-hunter-biden-reaches-plea-deal-with-doj-to-avoid-prison-time-50743/

This was just a pacifier for the sadly dumbed-down brainwashed American people who aren't paying attention and/or who are extremely misinformed by the leftist Fake News Media. It is merely a way of creating faulty supporting evidence for their often parroted false narrative that "no one is above the law" when really the left is purposefully ignoring the vast majority of the 2,020 Citations that thoroughly document at least 459 fully documented crimes implicating not just Hunter Biden, but the entire corrupted Biden Family & their Business Associates.

The FBI who has had the Biden Laptop since 2019 has actively covered it up and meddled in the 2020 elections by doing so so they could get their puppet Joe Biden in the White House. The corrupt DOJ has been in on the coverup since the beginning to do their part on orchestrating the 2020 coup d'état.

Marco Polo USA posted a lengthy 630 page report on this to their Substack. https://marcopolousa.substack.com/p/report-on-the-biden-laptop

To read the Report, CLICK HERE - https://bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org/report_viewer/index.html#p=1

The report includes 140 alleged business-related crimes, 191 sex-related offenses and 128 drug-related crimes! SO WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE CRIMES "nobody's above the law" Democrats/DOJ?

The politically insolvent, biased Department of Injustice only focusing on multiple tax counts and his gun violation is a sham. The rule of law doesn't much matter when it's a fellow corrupt Democrat but we already knew that. They'll never arrest their own! There's no justice left to be had in America... zero accountability!

Related Video: Australia's Sky News discusses Marco Polo Releasing a 630-Page Report with 2,020 Citations That Thoroughly Documents 459 Crimes Committed by the Biden Family & Their Business Associates https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1668724106001543168


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