ENB Podcast #101 Jonathan Grammer US Carbon Capture -"The Pendulum Swings On ESG Investments"

1 year ago

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"The Pendulum Swings On ESG Investments" - What is Sustainable Mean In Investments?

The podcast is an excellent update on the energy markets with ESG Investments, Carbon Capture, oil and gas, wind, solar, and even the grid. Johnathan is truly an industry thought leader and a valued resource for our industry.

Some key topics included how investment in royalties could help the solar, oil, and gas industries.

We also discussed other solutions with Debra Wold's group: GreneLily Energy & Water. We have to have fossil and green energy without subsidies. On a personal note, her podcast downloads are off the chart and we are organizing an ESG panel discussion with Debra and Johnathan. Debra's LinkedIn is HERE:

Please reach out to Johnathan on his website: U.S. Carbon Capture or LinkedIn Here.

For the PETA folks out there: No Mountain Lyons or podcast hosts were harmed in the making of this podcast. He has a great stuffed Mountain Lyon in his office that was hit by lightning. Pretty darn cool. -

Johnathan, thank you for stopping by the podcast. It is an honor to have your expertise on the show. - Stu.

Sponsorships are available or get your own corporate brand produced by Sandstone Media.

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DB Energy Questions: https://dbenergyadvisors.live/
The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino: https://thecrudetruth.com/
Rey Trevino LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reytrevinoiii/
Energy Transition Weekly Conversation
David Blackmon LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-blackmon-2325189/
Irina Slav LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irina-slav-a2569293/
Armando Cavanha LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cavanha/

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