COVID COVERUP: "China Lied. Fauci Lied. People Died." America Overwhelmingly Agrees

1 year ago

Rasmussen Reports | COVID COVERUP: "China Lied. Fauci Lied. People Died." America Overwhelmingly Agrees

Most voters suspect U.S. officials covered up China’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic, and less than half think Dr. Anthony Fauci has told the truth about the research that may have caused the outbreak.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Fauci has told the truth about U.S. government funding for gain-of-function virus research, while 47% don’t think Fauci has told the truth. Another 15% are not sure. These findings haven’t changed much since December.

More at Rasmussen Reports:

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