Never Forget What They Did (Check Description)

1 year ago

If you were tricked, coerced, or threatened into taking an experimental non-FDA regulated medical procedure by bought & paid for MSM, Doctors, or politicians our heart truly does go out to you & your family.

With that being said I hope you know, at least in this movement, we will not ridicule you or mock you for it. Yes there are some assholes out there but our movement is about compassion & we want what’s best for this country & every citizen in it no matter their race, class, or party affiliation. Yes until you wake up we will continue to pray and fight for you also.

The reason I’m saying this is because we need you to lift your heads out of the sand, speak up, and start raising hell. We all deserve justice & accountability for what they did. Never forget what they did.. from the lies, hidden medications, patients turned away at hospitals, jobs terminated, and the list goes on and on.

If we do not call them out and demand accountability expect it to happen again because that’s exactly what these people do.

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#BigBusiness #BigMedia #BigTech #BigPharma must be held accountable.

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