June 20, 2023

1 year ago

06/18/2023 Senator Rand Paul: Bill Gates is the largest funder of the effort in China to find bat viruses in remote caves, bring them to labs in big cities, and manipulate them to make them more dangerous. He funds the WHO more than most countries do. He has inadvertently helped to create the biggest danger to mankind.
06/18/2023 美国参议员兰德·保罗:在中共国,有研究人员试图在偏远的洞穴中寻找蝙蝠病毒,把病毒带到大城市的实验室进行改造,使其变得更加危险,而盖茨是这类研究活动的最大资助者。他给世卫组织提供的资金比大多数国家都多。他无意中帮助创造出当前对人类最大的威胁。

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