How Constraints Drive Success in Value Investing

1 year ago

On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey are joined by frequent guest Vitaliy Katsenelson. He's the CEO and chief investment officer at portfolio-management company Investment Management Associates, or IMA. In his fourth appearance on the Investor Hour podcast, Vitaliy returns to discuss his approach to being a constraint investor and discovering undervalued companies for all his clients.

But first, Dan and Corey talk about the recent Federal Reserve meeting, the implications of the central bank's words and actions, and where they think the Fed will go from here. Dan and Corey both believe that in the near term, the market is telling us that we're coming to the end of the rate-hike cycle but "people just aren't buying it" yet. Since the stock market has been doing well these past couple of weeks, Dan thinks the Fed probably won't start cutting rates anytime soon. And because the unemployment rate is still near a record low, Dan and Corey argue that it's the only logical place to look when making a case for rate cuts.

Vitaliy then joins the conversation to share the origin of his vacation-style conference, VALUEx Vail... the screening process for attendees... and what Dan should expect while attending this week in Vail, Colorado. Afterward, they discuss the importance of constraints in life and how that relates to investing. Dan says...

"People are really creative when they are backed into a corner and they have a lot of constraints on them."

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