SoulCast - Dismantle the Old Structures

1 year ago

The energies hitting the earth are intense and while we are in a time of revelation it can feel like we are inundated with negativity, that can trigger unresolved emotional pain and ancestral issues from the past causing those things to rise to the surface for release.

This week we are reminded to clear our energy regularly and consistently through prayer, meditation or energy healing.

When we go through periods of high-level stress our muscles will tighten and clench, so it is good to do some stretches, yoga, walking to give your body an outlet of release. The tension caused by emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual stress can embed itself into you body that possibly causes physical dis-ease. We get to be kind to our body and give it the loving kindness it deserves.

We are being asked to re-connect and rekindle friendships. Reach out and build your relationships to strengthen your support system with your family and friends.

We are asked to explore the concept of personal sovereignty. As an independent soul we have rulership over ourselves and our own life. We get to have personal accountability, personal motivation, personal balancing, and personal integrity. What does that mean and look like to you?

Personal integrity is the key to changing your life for the better. Everything you want to change in your lives always starts with you. Allow yourself to step into a higher standard of personal integrity this week.

When it comes to personal balancing, we will talk about your chakra system and how each energy center assists you in your own personal and spiritual mastery.

This is a fertile time to plant the seeds of your heart’s desire and to figure out your soul’s purpose and mission. Ask yourself what are your gifts and talents that bring you the most joy and happiness that you can share with those you come in contact with.

You are a gift and blessing to the world and are here on purpose for a very special and unique purpose, that only you can do.

Have a creative outlet and a creative outlook. Find an artistic way to express yourself. This can help you keep your vibration high as we dismantle the old structure and paradigm.

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• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have a wonderful week filled with integrity, creativity, and release.
Love you,

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