Daily Energy Standup Episode #53 -BP says renewables are not profitable – NATO wants EV tanks...

1 year ago

Episode #53 - BP says renewables are not profitable – NATO wants EV tanks – Scotland has a wind pollution problem

Highlights of the podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:47 – Column: An open letter to Californians: A high-utility-bill explanation, and a path to a smarter energy future
06:08 – We Found No Misuse Of US Funds In Ukraine’, US Treasury Says (With Straight Face) – long term energy price impact
08:42 – Riddle: What happens when 14 million trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines? Answer: Scotland Littered By Tonnes of Toxic Plastics Shed By Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades –
10:46 – NATO CHIEF WANTS MILITARY TANKS TO HAVE SOLAR PANELS -“It takes a village to raze an idiot, and the green village is global”
12:38 – McDermott Joins In on Greece Africa Intercom Connector Project
14:34 – BP’s CEO Plays Down Renewables Push as Returns Lag – Translation: “Investors Expect Returns and Renewables Are Not Profitable”
18:12 – Market Updates
22:21 – Outro

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