The Humility of God

1 year ago


Welcome to our YouTube channel! In this video, we will explore the profound topic of "The Humility of God." Join us as we delve into the unique nature of God's humility and its significance in our faith. Prepare to be inspired and encouraged as we unravel the depths of this divine attribute.

Within the framework of our belief system, the concept of a humble God stands apart. Jesus, the embodiment of humility, emphasized this character trait as His defining attribute—the very essence of His being. In Matthew 11:29, He invited His disciples to learn from Him, emphasizing His gentle and lowly (humble) heart. Love and humility are inseparable twin virtues that Jesus displayed in perfect harmony.

In John 13, we witness a powerful revelation of God's core identity. Jesus, the Son of God, humbled Himself by removing His robe, donning a towel, and kneeling before sinful men. As He washed their dirty feet, He revealed the heart of a servant—a "kneeling God." This act defies the pursuit of power often associated with world religions. To truly comprehend the truth about God, we must witness Him in His humble servanthood, kneeling before His broken people.

God's humility may appear foreign to us because our nature differs greatly from His. Jesus explained to Peter that understanding would come in due time (John 13:7). Our humility stems from recognizing our weakness and expressing gratitude for God's kindness in our failures. Conversely, God's humility springs from His greatness. His overwhelming love and power motivate His kindness towards us.

Embracing the revelation of God's humility evokes admiration accompanied by gratitude, confidence, and inspiration. It strengthens our trust in His leadership, for His relatability makes it easier to connect with Him. This revelation also inspires us to embrace humility more deeply and consistently in our own lives.

Furthermore, in the prophecy of the Messiah's world dominion found in Daniel 7, Jesus ties His global governance to serving others with humility both in this age and in the age to come. He declares in Matthew 20:28 that He came not to be served, but to serve. His humility will be visible to all nations during His triumphant return, where His victory will be marked by an absence of pride. Jesus will assume dominion over the nations with a heart of humility, seeking to cultivate humility in others.

Even in the millennial kingdom, Jesus will continue to serve those who have lived lives of humility and watchfulness. As depicted in Luke 12:37, He blesses those servants by girding Himself, having them sit down to eat, and personally serving them.

Ultimately, God's goal is to fill the earth with voluntary love and humility that will endure for eternity. He governs the earth through individuals who willingly choose to live according to these values. In this age, the meek inherit a portion of earth's leadership, with the fullness of their inheritance realized during the Millennium (Matthew 5:5).

Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey into the humility of God. May it inspire us to embrace humility, serve others, and seek God's heart more fervently. Remember to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more profound insights into our faith. Stay tuned for our next video!

#HumilityofGod #DivineHumility #GodsLoveandHumility #HumbleServanthood #EmbracingHumility #GodsLeadership #MeekInheritTheEarth #MillennialKingdom #VoluntaryLoveandHumility #InspiringFaith #DeepeningRelationshipWithGod

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