MR. NON-PC - Trump Created The CovidCult...Biden Continued It...

1 year ago

Here we are in June of 2023, and I'm beyond sick of the "selection" coming up. And isn't it so convenient how the 2 biggest pushers of the Plandemic/CovidCult good ol' Trump and Biden are the "front runners" to lead the U.S.

What a damn joke!!!

Does the average person have no memory at all??? The average PC-Peep who still supports either Trump or Biden must have "goldfish memory" and want the better of 2 murderers in office yet again!!

Why can't people put 2 and 2 together and realize that Trump created the CovidCult and Biden continued it!!!??

The best way to retain peace of mind is live away from this rotten world, realize its a total FRAUD and STOP PUTTING YOUR TRUST IN POLITICIANS!!!!

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