1 year ago

BLINKEN IN CHINA video: Did it achieve anything? Or just another BS clown show that is all mouth, lies and deception 美國國務卿到了中國有什麼成就? 或者只是另一個滿嘴謊言和欺騙的吹水小丑表演

In a symbolic show of the current state of the USA, embassy staff in Beijing were rushing to iron the defects out of two US flags moments before Secretary Blinken held a press conference to conclude his two-day visit of Beijing. 在布林肯國務卿召開新聞發布會結束他為期兩天的北京之行之前,駐北京的大使館工作人員正忙著修補兩面美國國旗上的瑕疵,這是對美國現狀的象徵性展示.

As is the reality across all aspects, their desperate attempts to maintain America’s glittery facade of yesteryear failed, and the conference went ahead with two wrinkled and lifeless flags. 與各方面的現實一樣,他們為維持美國昔日光鮮亮麗的外表所做的絕望嘗試失敗了,會議繼續舉行,兩面皺巴巴的、毫無生氣的旗幟.

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