911 Truth-William Cooper ex NavyIntel False🇺🇸 events to NWO to strip away your freedom

11 months ago

He predicted everything
Still think what you are seeing today is by accident? After 911 my mentor William Cooper (ex Navy Intelligence) explains how false flag events are leading up to a NWO to slowly strip away your freedom
OKC bombing was to bury documents against the Clintons and JFK murder while using Timothy (sheep dipped op) McVeigh as a Patsy under Operation PATCON to target Malitia leaders and 2nd Amendment enthusiasts, PATCON was also used in Ruby Ridge and WACO

PATCON was established to target the 2ndA but had little effect so legislation was drafted in 1993 by Joe Biden, later to be known as "The Patriot Act" which would give government reign to incarcerate without cause, the Act was illegally signed into law immediately after 911

911 was to target 7 nations who opposed oil trading with American currency thus collapsing the economy known as the "Petrodollar" system, and to give reason to pass the Patriot act
It's always been about control
There’s a lot there! Ex: Whitmer case was operation “cold snap”.
PATCON was an organization created by the FBI to infiltrate militia groups and 3% to plant evidence to take them down
Lisa Bhakti ~ Lioness of God🌟 Light Worker, Awakener & Warrior of love, truth & justice. Digital soldier in NC, USA.
See the 🌟light, be the 🌟light, shine the 🌟light.💙

Spiritual mentor/coach, author, speaker

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