Buying Local - Episode 33: Danushan Sooriabalan, M.D. (Dr. Dan)

1 year ago

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson interviews Danushan Sooriabalan; better known as Dr. Dan, a local Internal Medicine Physician... But most importantly, a primary care specialist! Primary Care has been on the decline in this country for some time now, but Dan is trying to bring it back into the spotlight! Hear about his important mission and what he can offer you here, in this stellar episode!

NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY, or Five Towers Media.

00:21 - Introduction: Our Mission, and Shoutout to Bogey’s Pub!
01:27 - He’s Doctor Dan!
02:22 - What Doctor Dan Does… For You
03:26 - The Vanishing of the Private Practice
05:46 - Reactionary Medicine
07:23 - Bodhi’s Boogers Journey
09:12 - Putting the Primary Back in Primary Care
11:32 - The Patient Experience
13:50 - Unlimited Visits?!
14:55 - Coping with Catastrophe
17:13 - What “Primary” Really Means
18:59 - Commercial Break: Contact 1-800-Paint-Job Today!
19:11 - The Primary Care Shortage
21:04 - Healthcare Shouldn’t Just be a Transaction!
22:17 - Don’t Blame the Players… Blame the Game
23:46 - Rehumanizing Healthcare, One Patient at a Time (Shoutout to Todd Bailey!)
25:33 - How to Get in Touch with Doctor Dan
26:00 - Closing Remarks

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