U.S. Elites Who Collaborate With CCP Also Hate Miles Guo

1 year ago

06/19/2023 Nicole on The Bob Jones Show: Mr. Miles Guo founded the most powerful Whistleblowers’ Movement that exposes the CCP’s infiltration in this country. So he is regarded as the most hated enemy not only by the CCP but also by some of the most powerful people in this country who want to keep the CCP in power. That's the Unity Party, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Washington's political establishment.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/19/2023 妮可参加电台节目《鲍勃·琼斯秀》:郭文贵先生创立了最具影响力的爆料革命,揭露了中共对美国的渗透。因此,他不仅成为中共最恨的敌人,而且还被美国一些想让中共继续执政的最有权势的人所痛恨。那就是美国精英团体、华尔街、硅谷,还有华盛顿的政治权力集团。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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