The Lost Codex by Ethereal_Cultivator: Wisdom & Folly

1 year ago

Wisdom & Folly
Wisdom is a lamp in the darkness of the world.
People are fickle, & friends will desert you, but wisdom will keep you from failure.

Wisdom is better than 10 horses or a mansion upon a cliffside.
10 horses will devour all of one’s grain, & the maintenance of a mansion devours wealth,
But a storehouse of wisdom makes for a long life

There is a time & place for all things
When at one time an action would be appropriate, at a bad time it is inappropriate
When in a particular place, do as others do, & no one will trouble you

Wise rulers forbid hunting when the deers are in rut
Wise fishermen do not keep a catch less than a foot
Wise farmers do not prepare a swidden before the insects have begun hibernation
Wise loggers do not fell a tree before it’s leaves have fallen

A simple man is caught unprepared when calamity befalls them
A wise man has stored provisions for the good of his whole family
A simple man will believe anything they hear
A wise man knows how to exercise discretion

By wisdom a nation can be spared from retribution
By wisdom a people can escape disaster
But when foolish counsel perverts justice, the nation is near to destruction

It is honorable for men to not get caught up in controversies
Yet every fool will be found quarreling
A foolish man will pursue profit even at the expense of his health
But a wise man would not seek praise from his friends at the expense of propriety

The foolish man seeks to know ultimate truth in order to justify their own actions
The wise man seeks to do what is right for the sake of propriety itself

There is a time & place for all things
A fine saying aptly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver
A sharp tongue stirs up nothing but strife
An insolent word can shatter a family, but words of comfort can amend resentments

The plans of the wise seek to establish peace, but the desires of the wicked to disturb it
Drive out those who are haughty, & the rights of the people will be restored

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