Vivek Ramaswamy on Fox Business 6.12.23

1 year ago

Tune in to Fox Business' The Bottom Line as Vivek Ramaswamy, the dynamic force behind America First, lays out his ambitious plans to reshape the future of our great nation. In this captivating interview, Vivek highlights his top priority: shutting down the administrative state that has long plagued the U.S. government.

With a commitment to transparency and accountability, Vivek's campaign has already taken proactive measures by filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to keep the Biden administration and the Department of Justice (DOJ) in check. He firmly believes that the American people deserve a government that is responsive and accountable to their needs.

During the interview, Vivek emphasizes the urgency of shutting down the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). With a bold vision for a streamlined and efficient government, he seeks to restore the balance of power by ensuring that there are three branches of government, not four, once he leaves his term as president.

Unapologetically dedicated to the America First movement, Vivek asserts that speaking truth is far more important than winning by someone else's standards. By unlocking the potential of American energy, revitalizing our workforce, cutting burdensome regulations, and stabilizing the U.S. Dollar, Vivek aims to unlock unprecedented economic growth that benefits all Americans.

Vivek Ramaswamy fearlessly champions the values of putting America First and renewing our national American identity. Don't miss this exclusive interview as Vivek shares his groundbreaking vision to revitalize our nation, create a more accountable government, and unleash the full potential of the American people. Together, let's forge a brighter future for all and reignite the American spirit of innovation, prosperity, and unity.

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