Tie-dye pattern : Mario Mushroom!

3 years ago

Today I will show you how to tie-dye a Mario Mushroom on the outside of a spiraled a t-shirt. This the 91st shirt in a series of spiral tie dye t-shirt experiments to see what kinds of spiral patterns are created when making a specific design on the outside of the spiraled up t-shirt. To start off I first demonstrate how to spiral up the t-shirt and secure it using masking tape. Next I use a paint brush dipped in Raven (Black) liquid procion dye to paint on the Mario Mushroom design. After that I apply my chosen colors of liquid dyes (shown in the video) on the top and bottom of the spiraled up t-shirt. Once all the dyes are applied, I then let the t-shirt sit untouched for 24 hours so that the dye can set into the shirt and bond with the fabric. After the 24 hours are up, I give the t-shirt a good rinse while squeezing the material to remove all of the excess dye. Now to finish up it's time to remove the masking tape and reveal our new Tie Dye Mario Mushroom pattern t-shirt. I hope you enjoy and as always...Happy Tie Dyeing!

***Before working with procion dyes or any kind of fiber reactive dye please make sure to pay special attention to all labels including directions, warnings, and first aid instructions***. I highly recommend gloves, eye protection, and a respirator or dust mask per these instructions.

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Artificial Deer Sinew
https://geni.us/Sinew (Amazon)

Kite String
https://geni.us/kitestring (Amazon)

Tulip Rubber Bands
https://geni.us/tuliprubberbands (Amazon)

Gloves for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/tiedyegloves (Amazon)

Blank Tapestry (100% Cotton)
https://geni.us/blanktapestry (Amazon)

Gildan 100% Cotton T-Shirts (6 pack)
https://geni.us/cottonshirts (Amazon)

T-Shirts to Tie-Dye (Amazon)

Tulip Tie Dye Kits
https://geni.us/tiedyekit (Amazon)

Hemostats (2pc)
https://geni.us/hemostats (Amazon)

Hemostats (10pc) (5pc regular & 5pc curved)
https://geni.us/hemostats10 (Amazon)

Washable Markers (Planning Design Tool for Tie Dye)
https://geni.us/washablemarkers (Amazon)

Urea (5lb Bag)
https://geni.us/Urea (Amazon)

Soda Ash
https://geni.us/sodaash (Amazon)

https://geni.us/synthrapol (Amazon)

Sodium Alginate
https://geni.us/sodiumalginate (Amazon)

Hand-Held Blender for Mixing Thick Water Dye
https://geni.us/blenderforthickwater (Amazon)

Dye Bottles
8 oz - https://geni.us/8ozbottles (Amazon)
Precision tip 4 oz -https://geni.us/finetipbottles (Amazon)

Bucket for Soaking Materials in Soda Ash (6 Count)
https://geni.us/buckets (Amazon)

Shoe Tray for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/shoetray (Amazon)

Baking Rack for Tie Dye
https://geni.us/bakingrack (Amazon)

Ice Maker for Ice Dye Projects
https://geni.us/icemakerforicedye (Amazon)

Garden Pump Sprayer for H.W.I Tie-Dye
https://geni.us/gardenpumpsprayer (Amazon)

Dharma Trading Company Website for Dyes I use

📷Camera Equipment, Gear & Lights I Use to Make Videos🎤

Camera - Canon Rebel T7 Kit
https://geni.us/rebelt7kit (Amazon)

Canon EOS M50 Camera
https://geni.us/canonM50 (Amazon)

https://geni.us/Tripods (Amazon)

LS Photography Kit
https://geni.us/lightingkits (Amazon)

Rode Wireless Go Premium Pack Kit - https://geni.us/rodemickit (Amazon)

Overhead Table-Top Rig for Top Down Camera Shooting
https://geni.us/tabletoprig (Amazon)

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