The Party - Persona: The Room OST Concept

1 year ago

Original upload 2022-07-16

This song isn't a specific song from The Room soundtrack, but uses some motifs from the soundtrack itself that revolve around aspects of Johnny's life. The Party was my idea of a randomly generated dungeon within Johnny's apartment comprising of multiple floors like P3's Tartarus or P5's Mementos, and is where the root of all of Johnny's issues would culminate in the game (after all, the climax of the movie happens during the party at the end). The Party was planned to be segmented into 5 blocks, each being named after a monument in San Francisco and each representing a stage in the Kubler-Ross stages of grief, in Johnny's case grieving the relationship he once had with Lisa. You'll hear in this upload 5 different versions of the songs at each loop, which are the different variations that would play at each block.

Persona: The Room is a parody video game I was planning on making a year or so ago, with the idea of taking the CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE The Room by Tommy Wiseau and adapting it to a video game like Persona. To this end, I worked on re-composing The Room's soundtrack with a pop/jazz/rock fusion sound, and these are the end result. I never got around to making the full game, but since I've had the completed soundtrack on my drive for a while I figured I'd upload it here as a concept album.

Bandcamp Link:

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